The film இனி வந்தென்ன வராமல் என்ன [Does it matter now if I come or go] – Letters from Kantstraße 104a is dedicated to asking which memories remain in a temporary space like an asylum shelter when people have long ceased to live there. Which traces are inscribed in the building and refer to life and living in the interstice of flight? What is the basis for remembering when, for example, letters have long since ceased to exist because they were lost during the war years?
German, Tamil with English UT, Germany 2023, 25 min.
In July 1983, years of ethnic tension in Sri Lanka escalated to a new level, culminating in violent riots against Tamils. These anti-Tamil pogroms are now considered to have triggered the war in the islands. In the aftermath, thousands of Tamils fled. One of the migration routes led them via East Berlin’s Schönefeld Airport to West Berlin. At that time, Tamils did not need a visa to enter East Berlin. East German border officials often let them pass by bus or train to West Berlin, where some applied for asylum. They were then housed in asylum shelters in West Berlin.
The film இனி வந்தென்ன வராமல் என்ன [Does it matter now if I come or go] – Letters from Kantstraße 104a is dedicated to asking which memories remain in a temporary space like an asylum shelter when people have long ceased to live there. Which traces are inscribed in the building and refer to life and living in the interstice of flight? What is the basis for remembering when, for example, letters have long since ceased to exist because they were lost during the war years?
The Pension Kant at Kantstraße 104a in the West Berlin district of Charlottenburg provided accommodation for Tamil refugees from around 1980 to 1989. Spread over two floors, about 60 people lived there for varying lengths of time. Women came by means of traffickers whose original destination was Italy. Men from politically radicalized parties came, nationalists met internationalists, bringing political tensions with them to the Pension Kant. Some stayed for one night without applying for asylum, and some for several days, weeks or months before continuing their journey to further west in Germany, England, France or even Canada. For others, it was the start of their life in Berlin. Some found allies in the lively political scene of West Berlin. They worked delivering newspapers, they cleaned in restaurants, and they even hosted parties together. They would also follow the developing war in Sri Lanka all the while living as an exile in Berlin and receiving letters with news of the deaths of their relatives. Marriages were contracted here, families were established and children born.
The film reconstructs the experience of this time. Fictionalized letters based on interviews and conversations with former Tamil residents of the building provide insight into their inner worlds. In the letters, what took place between the residents and the filmmaker – the daughter of former residents – during the interviews merges into the narrative. Tamils of the so-called second generation, who now live in Berlin, lend their voices to the film, and thus enable resonances with their own experiences and memories. Their voices oscillate between the Tamil and German languages and merge with both the echoes of the archive images and the soundscape of the building. Film footage from the building today and photographs of former residents unfold, reflecting the multi-layeredness of space, time and memory.
40 years after கறுப்பு யூலை [Black July] in1983, the docu-fiction contributes to locating the memory of the Tamil flight to Berlin and Germany. It connects the experiences of different generations, encourages us to reflect on the presence of the fugitive, and makes a case for envisioning liminal places like asylum shelters as sites of the living.
Research, concept and directing
With voices by
Editing and sound design
Tamil translation
German copyediting, subtitles DE
English copyediting, subtitles EN | TAM
Graphic Design
Anujah Fernando
Anujah Fernando
Sowmya Maheswaran
Ram Paramanathan
Methu Thavarasa
Chandrika Yogarajah
Anna Lucia Kampmann
Johannes Windolph
Thibauld Weiler
Merle Nanami Merkel
Josie Parkinson
Ram Paramanathan
J. Fernando
Johanna Schindler
Karthika Nadarajah
Berlin, Kantstraße 104a
© Sindu Sivayogam 2023
Studio Katrahmani, 2023
Azin Azadi Yazdi
Research, concept and directing
Anujah Fernando
With voices by
Anujah Fernando
Sowmya Maheswaran
Ram Paramanathan
Methu Thavarasa
Chandrika Yogarajah
Editing and sound design
Anna Lucia Kampmann
Johannes Windolph
Thibauld Weiler
Merle Nanami Merkel
Josie Parkinson
Tamil translation
Ram Paramanathan
J. Fernando
German copyediting, subtitles DE
Johanna Schindler
English copyediting, subtitles EN | TAM
Karthika Nadarajah
Berlin, Kantstraße 104a
© Sindu Sivayogam 2023
Graphic Design
Studio Katrahmani, 2023
Azin Azadi Yazdi
இனி வந்தென்ன வராமல் என்ன
[Does it matter now if I come or go] –
Letters from Kantstraße 104a
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